1. Mothers Day

For me .. everyday is mothers day, coz I do call n talk to my mum everyday (thru the phone) coz I kan baby my mum,,.hehehe.. so kalau sehari tak dengar my mum voice.. boleh sasau kejap.. anyway to mama.. Selamat Hari Ibu.. semoga mama sentiasa sihat, panjang umur, murah rezeki n sentiasa tabah menjalani hidup ini disampaing anak2 mama, especially anak mama yang degil n nakal ni..thehehe.. Also to all my friend yang dah jadi mum, and to my self.. I got this poem from mothering.com. just wanna share this poem with all of the mums who read my blog

Picture Of Love
If I was asked to draw a picture of love,
I would draw a picture of a mother nursing her child.
If I was then asked, "Why a mother nursing her child?"
I would reply,
"Because love is natural;
"Because love is natural;
It needn't be worked at very hardIt comes as you relax.
Love is the best thing for us,God created us for love.
Love that is true, like God's, gives and gives,
demanding nothing in return,
But is overwhelmingly pleased by return of affection in any degree."
God is love.
God is love.
And when a women nurses her child,
She is the mirror of God.
By Theanna Sparr
2. Teachers Day
Nuthing much to say for this day, coz I dah lost contack dengan semua2 cikgu yang pernah ajar I mase skoll dulu.. but I still ingat nama2 semua cikgu2 yang mengajar I.Happy Teachers Day to all of them n last but not least to Cikgu Rashidee Rashid, Selamat Hari Guru for U, semoga impian mendidik anak bangsa menjadi kebanggaan semua tercapai.
3. Father’s Day

salam anak mamat penang...
biru blog..haha..terima kasih kerana link..nanti DBI link jugak, nak ker???
gue tagged kamu. selamat menjawab deh..
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